Friday, July 1, 2011

A Science Experiment Gone Awry

We tried to conduct a science experiment to see what kind of food the birds that visit our yard like more, the cheap wild bird mix or safflower seed.  We made two identical feeders with milk jugs and bamboo skewers, but the birds never found our homemade feeders.  Not to be intimidated, we decided to conduct our experiment by filling the seed in the fancy feeder we bought David for his birthday and comparing the number of days it took the birds to eat all the seed.  While not completely a scientific approach, we thought this was a pretty good alternative.  Looks like we failed to control for the Sarah variable, though! 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! :-) We have a "mouse variable" in our yard-- the mice are eating lots of our bird food! :-(
