Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Grass is Green Here, Too!

This week my husband is away at a conference in Colorado.  It is at a beautiful tourist destination, with meetings in the mornings and evenings with the afternoons free for, well, fun!  He has been able to go hiking and eat yummy Mexican food and sleep for more than three hours at a time.  I have been more than a wee bit jealous.

Lest you get the wrong idea about my husband, he really would rather for us all to be together.  He sends us pictures not to make us jealous but because he wants us to see and experience with him!  This conference was not an all-expense paid get-away for him!  No, he would really rather be with us!

This morning as I was contemplating all that I was missing out on in Colorado, the Lord brought to my mind that I WAS experiencing some wonderful things also.  Matthew and Jonathan had their first real audible conversation with one another, cooing and smiling back and forth.  Mary and Maggie wore reptilian puppets as slippers to help them climb to the top bunk.  Maggie fell asleep standing up waiting for me to serve her a second serving of pasta (I really wish I had the camera for that one, but, sadly, it's in Colorado with my husband).  Mary made a Code of Mobley (think Code of Hammurabi), with house rule #5 being "Wash your hands with soap!"

Colorado, you have green grass, but we've got it here, too!

1 comment:

  1. The "Code of Mobley"... That's awesome. And puppet slippers. Oh, the things I miss...
