Monday, September 5, 2011

A Visit From Lee

Tropical Storm Lee paid us a visit! As far as storms go, it was pretty uneventful for us, thank God.  Our power did not go out.  Our mandarin tree is still standing.  Our street did flood, but this time the water did not even creep up our lawn.  The girls had a blast playing outside (in their pajamas) during the quiet moments of the storm.  They thought it was so cold at 78 degrees that they needed to wear their winter hats and gloves.  They are really rather nutty!

For me, the saddest part of the storm passing through was that the library was closed, so I was not able to make my regular Saturday visit to pick up our books for the week:(  I am really dying to find what happens as Sam pursues falconry in Frightful's Mountain.  Fortunately, we have lots of other books at home.  We read all of Homer Price, did lots and lots of puzzles, played alphabet Go Fish (so fun now that Maggie knows her letters and can join in), checked our Facebook accounts frequently, and reorganized drawers and closets, one of my absolute favorite pastimes!

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