Monday, December 5, 2011

Random Baking Tip

I know some of you out there are probably gearing up for some serious holiday baking!  Not me.  I'm just trying to keep on top of feeding my crew three meals a day, plus elevensies...and onesies...and threesies...and sevensies.  Have I mentioned that I am going to be increasing our grocery budget soon to keep up with these boys??? 

OK, now on to the baking tip.  Maybe this is something that every other baker on this planet already knows about, but here goes.  One day, when I was making bread, I almost forgot to add the honey.  I added the oil first.  Then, I remembered the honey.  So, I added the honey.  Yep, I used the same tablespoon to measure the honey.  The honey didn't stick to the spoon at all!  So, now I always measure the oil before the honey!  Or if I am not using oil, I spray the measuring implement with cooking spray!  No ooey gooey sticky mess! 

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