Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Board Books We Love

We LOVE to read at our house.  We don't watch tv or even get cable, but we have bookshelves full of books!  (We do occasionally watch a short video on Netflix, though!)  This is the first of what will hopefully be several posts on books we love.  Stay tuned for a post in the near future with some ideas on how to save money on books.

While I know that there are many, many books out there, many of which we have not read, these are ten books that are well-worn and well-loved by the Mobleys.  I hope you will enjoy them, too!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 
This is a great story about the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly. My toddler loves to read this over and over and over and pretend to eat everything the caterpillar eats.

The Runaway Bunny
This is a wonderful story about a little bunny who tries to run away from his mother.  Everywhere he goes, his mother comes after him, so in the end he decides to stay and be her little bunny. My children have really enjoyed trying to find the little bunny in each picture. 

So Mad Bunny 
A friend gave my daughter this book when she turned three.  Little Bunny gets mad in several situations, so mad that he hits, screams, and throws sand.  In the end, Mama teaches Little Bunny to pray to ask Jesus to help him not be so mad anymore.

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?
This is such a fun, fun, fun book to read to young ones.  You will have fun making wonderful noises for your child not to mention the great laughs you'll get out of your child's imitations of your sounds!

Goodnight Moon
This is a delightful goodnight book and there is so much more to do with it than just reading the words on the page.  Try finding the mouse on each page.  Observe the moon rising and the room darkening in each picture and much, much more.

What Makes a Rainbow
Kids will learn their colors as Little Rabbit learns from his friends what makes a rainbow.  My girls really enjoy the colorful ribbons at the top of each page.

Curious George's ABCs
There are lots and lots of books out there to teach children their ABCs.  While we don't have all of them, we do have our fair share.  This is by far our favorite.  I made up hand motions and noises to go with each page to add to the delight.  My five year old still remembers them and will be teaching them to her brothers before long, I'm sure!

Open the Barn Door
A friend gave me this book when we had our first child.  At first I didn't really think it was very spectacular, but it just goes to show, that children really love the basics!  It is simply an open the flap book where the text asks, "Who says xx?" and when you open the door you find the animal that makes that sound.  My children have enjoyed this book (who doesn't love to flip a flap and discover something underneath) with the added benefit of learning animal sounds.
We love this book and others by Van Fleet.  It includes flaps to push, pull, open, etc. for little hands.  Ours have been pushed and pulled so many times that some don't work anymore--a great sign of a well-loved book.

Barnyard Dance
At my first baby shower, a few ladies from church gave me a collection of Sandra Boynton board books.  I enjoy reading these books to infants because the rhymes are so zany!  If you're going to be reading something over and over, it might as well be humorous!  Warning: the crazy rhymes will go through your head at strange times!

Happy reading, everyone!


  1. I am loving your blog already! :)

    We love Sandra Boynton books as well! Another favorite of ours is Goodnight Gorilla.
