Saturday, May 26, 2012

Boys--A Whole New World

Matthew and Jonathan have definitely reached the mischievous almost toddler stage.  I can hardly keep up with them!  It seems like the girls are always saying, "Mama, Trouble!"  Dishwasher trouble!  Trash trouble!  Cat food trouble!  Bathroom trouble!  And, sometimes, they just sit quietly and watch them bail cupfuls of water from the toilet without so much as a peep!  I definitely believe that boys and girls are just wired differently.  I submit ten pieces of evidence from my own personal experience:
  1. The girls dropped sippy cups from time to time; the boys pretend they are torpedoes!
  2. The girls made elevator music with pots and pans; the boys form a marching band!
  3. The girls splashed in the bathtub; the boys bail water drenching the floor and Mom!
  4. The girls peered into the toilet; the boys bail water from it!
  5. The girls tried to take their bibs off; the boys take them off and pretend they are hats dumping food and milk all over!
  6. The girls like to play with the trash bags, the boys pull banana peels out of the trash and eat them.
  7. The girls never played with the diaper pail.  Period.  The boys, ughhhh!
  8. The girls liked to pat things; the boys are honing their carpentry skills!
  9. The girls cried when something stood between them and where they wanted to be; the boys just barrel through any obstacle, even if that obstacle is a sister!
  10. The girls occasionally tried to eat cat food out of the bowl; the boys dump the food out all over the floor and then try to eat it!
I still love these boys even if they are TROUBLE, I mean, CURIOUS!

1 comment:

  1. Think how many mothers don't have the privilege of experiencing the difference between boys and girls!
