Monday, October 10, 2011

Therapik to the Rescue!

Honestly, before we moved to Louisiana, I had no clue just how buggy it would be here!  Mosquitoes, no-see-ums, ants, and, our favorite, the stinging caterpillars.  None of these seem to really bother my husband.  Lucky guy.  I wouldn't exactly say that we girls are allergic.  I would say that we are extremely sensitive to the bugs.  We get super-itchy welts.  One doctor recommended the Benadryl Itch Relief Stick.  That helps a little.  It's really difficult to keep the girls from scratching the bites, though.  I've tried putting bandaids over every single bite, but they just pull them off and scratch away.  Scabs.  Blood.  Yuck!  A friend who has lived here all her life told me about the AfterBite stick.  We found that if we can apply AfterBite immediately, the bites/stings swell less and itch less.

Recently, my mother-in-law sent me an article about the Therapik.  Consider this my endorsement for the Therapik!  This is absolutely the best product that we have found to relieve the pain and itch of bites/stings.  The therapik applies heat to the area which relieves the pain and itch by increasing blood flow to the area.  It looks a bit like an ear thermometer and requires a 9V battery.  You just put the tip on the affected area and press the button for 20-30 seconds.  If you, like me, find yourself in a place where you have no choice but to coexist with our buggy friends, then you really should seriously consider getting the Therapik!!! 


  1. Yuck! Just reading your post and seeing those prickly caterpillars gives me the heebeegeebees! ;-)

  2. Ugh! Bugs! I'll try to remember the Therapik. But if you are ever without, have you tried making a baking soda and water paste with a bandaid over it? (Works best if you let the paste start to dry before covering it.

  3. Therapik Rocks. Best thing out there for bug bites and stings. I live in Ft. Lauderdale FL and we have almost every bug ever created. The Therapik works so well to relieve itching that after one drug free use I don't scratch any more. I have one with me every trip outdoors cause they're gonna get you....
