Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Boy in Pink?

Poor Matthew.  All the time, people mistake him for a girl.  Maybe it has something to do with the pink car seat?  Aside from that, I personally think he looks all boy!

I know you're probably wondering why on earth did I buy a pink car seat?  I didn't.  BUT...some friends of ours were given this beautiful pink Peg Perego car seat for their baby girl Chloe.  Chloe has three older brothers.  Now, maybe you understand why Chloe got a pink car seat.  Chloe outgrew this car seat.  Around that time, we were in the market for an infant car seat because we actually looked at the manufacturer's date on the navy blue one that we had acquired third hand and used for really don't want to know what it said.  Chloe's parents graciously gave us this beautiful pink car seat.

Then, we had Maggie.  She was (and still is) a girl and looked great in this car seat.  I contemplated retiring this puppy when we found out we were having twin boys.  But, the more I thought about it, I didn't like the idea of getting rid of something that had absolutely no flaws except the color.  So, Matthew rides around in a pink car seat.  People mistake him for a girl.  And, we have an extra couple hundred dollars (if we would have bought the same car seat in a more manly color) to use as God directs!

Thanks, Ben and Sarah (and Chloe)!


  1. Hahahahaha! Maura, I remember asking you right before you moved out of California, "Are you still going to use the carseat if you have a boy?" I was glad for your sake when we all found out that you, indeed, did have another girl! ;-) When we then found out that you and David were having twin BOYS, I did think to myself, "I wonder if they'll keep that pink car seat." Haha! I am glad that you are still making good use of that carseat... even if it is PINK! ;-)

  2. Isaac's favorite color is pink. (His second favorite color is turquoise.) So for his birthday last month we bought him a pink tie, just so the other little boys would know that BOYS CAN WEAR PINK, TOO! :) And so can men. So there! LOL

  3. Ha, ha, ha, Kara! I bet Isaac looks great in PINK!
