Monday, August 18, 2014

My New Freezer Inventory System

This past year, we used our Christmas gift money to purchase an upright freezer for the garage.  I know, how did we survive so long without a freezer?  I really have no idea.  At first, I didn't even know how to adjust to life with a freezer.  For a while, the only think inside the freezer were the twenty bags of holiday chocolate chips from Albertson's clearance rack.  Eventually, I also found baking chocolate on clearance, further increasing my freezer stockpile of chocolate.  One day, David took over the Farmer's Market shopping and we ended up with way more oranges than I knew what to do with.  So, I juiced them providing something of nutritional value for the freezer.  Then, something clicked in my brain, and I suddenly realized that I could stockpile perishable items!  If Costco put turkey bacon on sale with a purchase limit of five, I could actually purchase five and put them in the freezer.  Things were going really well, and everything seemed manageable until tomato season hit!  In one week, I have made nineteen jars of tomato sauce.  Big jars.  At this point, the freezer was getting a little bit out of control.  I had no idea how to keep track of what was in there without actually opening the freezer door and looking inside.  In need of a solution to my dilemma I turned to Google.  A quick search landed me with oodles of images of freezer inventory checklists. I settled on the inventory sheet I created in OmniGraffle below.   So how do I use this?  When I put something into the freezer, I make a slash like this "/". When I take something out, I turn that slash into an "X".  Ah, so simple and beautiful!  Now, I am happy as a lark because I don't actually have to open the freezer to know what's inside.  And, even better, I don't have to try to remember what's inside.  Believe me, the less there is for me to mentally keep track of, the better!!  Happy stockpiling:)

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