Saturday, August 16, 2014

Finding Joy

It's no surprise to many of you that my husband travels for work quite a bit.  'Tis the life of a professor, speaking at other universities and conferences and working with distant collaborators.  Sometimes, my attitude about David's work trips is okay, well, at least not that bad.  At other times, like this past week, it can be really crummy.  David went off to Telluride, Colorado to run a conference.  The conference was designed so that there was plenty of free time in the afternoons to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.  I knew I should be really happy that David could get out and do something he really loves, hike and run on trails, but, in all honesty, I wasn't.  I was really, really mad.  I was mad that I was missing out on things because he had to go on this trip.  The fact that he actually could enjoy it was like rubbing salt in my wounds!  Okay, normally, my reaction to his travels is not this, well, extreme, but there were special circumstances this time,

My grandpa died and his memorial service was held on Tuesday of this week.  Going would mean flying with all five kids (three of them requiring car seats on the plane) from California to Pennsylvania.  Maybe some of you are brave enough or sentimental enough to do that.  Not me.  It was also the week of our church's VBS.  That's exciting, right?  Of course it is.  But, my three boys go to bed by 8pm, and VBS ends at 8:30 pm, so although I really wanted to be able to be there for the assembly time and especially the carnival on the last day, I just could not make that happen logistically.  I know some of you probably would have just said, "Ah, the boys will be a little tired, it's ok."  There are three of them, ages three and under, and they're really, really loud.  Plus, I really value my sleep.  A lot.  I was simply disappointed that I couldn't be there.

But, the point of this post is not to complain.  It is to say that my husband left and I was mad, but I knew that God did not want me to spend my week grumbling and complaining and making him feel really guilty for traveling.  So, I asked God to help me to find joy in my week.  I tried to capture some pictures to help me remember the joyful moments.  The week was not all joyful bliss.  There were lots of potty accidents to clean up.  At least two plates were broken.  There was the typical bickering and talking back.  I could go on and on, but God helped me with these pictures to focus on the joyful moments of my week and thank him for this wonderful family he has given me and the many opportunities I have to teach them about Jesus and what He did on the cross for me!

On Sunday, Josiah ate his first s'mores!  He like it a lot!
On Monday, I took the kids to Pretend City.  Thanks for the coupons, Mama Esther!
Matthew had so much fun pretending to be a fireman!
So did Jonathan!
Maggie played with the boys in the garden.  Mary had a lot of fun, too, but she was mostly off doing her own thing, so I didn't get any pictures of her:(  The kids thought the best part was riding the shuttle back to our car, ha, ha!
On Tuesday, our mommy small group got together for lunch.  The girls had fun playing hide and seek with Isaiah.
On Tuesday, the girls' flower girl dresses arrived, too!  They are so excited for Cousin Chealsee's wedding!
On Wednesday, my friend Denise came over with her daughter Misha.  Denise and I talked about homeschooling while Mary and Maggie taught Misha everything they know about being princesses and taking care of babies!  That evening, another friend, Esther, brought me Boba and udon and we shared a time of meaningful fellowship after the boys went to sleep!
On Thursday, I took the kids hiking in UCI's Open Preserve.  We hiked from our house all the way to the botanical gardens.  It was fairly narrow and steep in some spots, which made it a little tricky with Josiah in the stroller, but we all made it!
It was a really hot day, so everyone was really excited to find this fountain in the gardens.  The water was so cool and refreshing!  I don't have a picture of this, but two friends surprised me that evening with boba!  YUM!
On Friday, we went to a Splash Pad and got wet and sandy!
Mary's approach was to stand on top of the sprayer!
Cute Maggie!
The sin of discontent is so pervasive. If we are not careful, it seeps in and takes every joy away. God is teaching me that joy is serving him where he has me. Right now, he has me in the home serving my family. I don't serve them because they appreciate it. I don't serve them because they deserve it. I serve them because by serving them I am serving Christ, who voluntarily gave his life to bring me back into fellowship with God.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. Brave for being so honest and sharing.
