Monday, August 25, 2014

Consider it Pure Joy

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 
because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
James 1:2

Our family is walking through a trial.  We would like to ask you to walk alongside us and pray for us as we grieve the loss of our unborn child.  

This past Friday, I went to see my midwife for a routine checkup.  The girls love coming to my appointments with me and were really excited since the midwife usually allows them to help out with the doppler.  The midwife pulled out the doppler and spent a long time searching for the baby's heartbeat.  Eventually, she hooked up their antiquated ultrasound machine and found the baby.  She did see a flicker indicating a heartbeat but was very concerned that the baby didn't seem to be moving at all.  She escorted the girls to the waiting area and discussed with me her concerns that this baby may not have survived.  To further evaluate the situation, she ordered an ultrasound to be performed at an imaging center.  The ultrasound revealed the baby was still alive but not doing well.  Baby's heartbeat was only 60 beats per minute, far below the normal range for ~15 weeks.  The baby was also measuring closer to 12 weeks, or 3 weeks smaller than indicated by my due date.  The midwife told me to call if I had cramping or bleeding over the weekend.  Having neither, we followed up with another ultrasound today, which indicated no heartbeat.  At 15 weeks, our baby is no longer living.  I maintained composure at the imaging center, but the moment I got to my car, the tears started flowing. The drive from the imaging center to my home is only 10 minutes.  Yet so many tears welled up in my eyes during that short time, I almost couldn't see to drive.  

So many crazy thoughts have been running through my mind in trying to find a reason for this:
  • Did I run too much?
  • Did I drink enough water?
  • Did I drink too much Boba?
  • Why did I dig out those bushes?
  • Why did I sit in the hot tub even for a minute?
  • Did I eat enough?
  • Did I carry Josiah too much?
  • Did I seem ungrateful for a sixth child?
  • Does God think I'm a horrible mommy?

I conducted a little bit of research that showed that oftentimes miscarriages are the result of chromosomal abnormalities present at the time of conception.  These abnormalities cause either the mom's body to stop supporting the baby or the baby's body just to shut down.  So, I can reason with myself and release myself from blame for causing this to happen.  

But, then, I am still left with one question.  Why did God allow this to happen to us?  In my devotions with the kids for the past few weeks, we have been studying the life of Joseph.  So many "bad" things happened to Joseph.  His brothers sold him into slavery and reported him as dead to their father.  He was falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison.  He helped others in prison but was forgotten by them.  Yet, Joseph humbly accepted every situation and continued to trust in God.  Why did God allow this to happen to us?  I choose to be like Joseph.  I don't know why this is happening to us, but let me tell you what I do know.  I know that God, my heavenly Father, is loving and wise and good.  Everything that He allows me to go through, the good and the bad, is both for my good and his glory.  I have to believe that He is using this for my good and for His glory.  And, He has not abandoned me and left me to go through this trial alone.  No, He is with me.  In my weakness, He is in fact carrying me every step of the way.  So, I pray that He will indeed bring glory to His name and enable me to persevere.  

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Christian Dating Panel Questions

It happened again!  We were asked to be members of a panel discussion, and, in a moment of weakness, actually agreed to participate.  So, here I am again, writing this post to to try to clarify what I really meant to say. This time the panel discussion was about Christian dating.  Pastor Mark sent us a list of potential discussion questions ahead of time.  When I first glanced at the list, I was really intimidated about being on the panel.  David and I are about to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary, so it's been a looooong time since we've been anywhere close to the dating scene.  It was clear at the event, I think, that our perspective on dating is, well, maybe a tad bit unusual.  There was lots of laughing and looks of surprise when we told our story.  So, when I share my thoughts on these questions, I want to emphasize that this is just my perspective/viewpoint on Christian dating.  

How do you initiate a relationship?  What does initiating look like?  
Well, I think there isn't a right way or a wrong way to go about initiating a relationship really.  I think it usually starts with a guy asking a girl to go out and do something, though!  For the girls, I recommend waiting for the guy to initiate even if you are interested.  You can read more about this below.  If you get to the point of wanting to pursue dating one person exclusively, I think it's wise to talk to your leaders and find out what they think of the person.  

What should be the reason to compel you to initiate? 
Basically, I think if you would like to be married someday, then you should try to get to know some people of the opposite sex.  If you don't want to get married, don't initiate a relationship.  The point of Christian dating is for Christian marriage.  

How do I know I’m ready to date?  
I don't think any of us ever feel "ready" to date.  Just like we don't feel "ready" to marry or "ready" to have children.  That said, I think one of the best pieces of advice that we received when dating was this: Don't look to your boyfriend/girlfriend to solve your problems.  Our first and primary relationship should be with the Lord.  If dating is interfering with your relationship with the Lord, then I'd say you're probably not yet ready.  Back off the dating and build your relationship with the Lord.  

What kind of guy/ girl should I be looking for? 
The number one qualification you should look for is a Christian, a genuine follower of Christ.  Okay, so that doesn't narrow the playing field too much, huh?  Additionally, I would say for the ladies, take a look at the qualifications for elders and deacons found in 1 Timothy 3.  For the gentlemen, take a look at the attributes of the woman described in Proverbs 31.  To be really, really clear, outward appearance and charisma are not important.  What really matters is the beauty within.  To make this even more practical, some things to consider:
  1. What does this person do with his/her free time?
  2. What does this person talk about?
  3. Is this person a hard worker or lazy?
  4. How does this person make decisions?

How much does compatibility matter? 
Honestly, I don't think compatibility is that important for Christians.  If we love the Lord and are committed to serving HIm, then love for one another will result.  As an example, David and I come from completely different backgrounds.  I was public schooled; he was homeschooled.  I ate lots of processed foods; he pretty much ate whole foods exclusively.  I spent a lot of time at the mall or in front of the t.v.; he spent a lot of time backpacking and playing in the creek.  I could go on and on.  Nonetheless, there is no one that I agree with more.  We have never argued about money or parenting but totally see eye to eye on those things, but I believe that is really a result of our love for the Lord and desire to honor Him with our money and our parenting.  

Is there one God has chosen for me? Is soul mate a real thing? 
I really liked Elder Joe's response to this when we were chatting beforehand.  Yes, there is one God has chosen for you.  The one to whom you said, "I do."  I don't believe in the whole soul mate concept.  If David and I had dated for longer and spent considerable time questioning whether we were truly one another's soul mates, we probably would not have gotten married and that would have been a huge mistake.  The point of Christian marriage is not about completing ourselves, but it is about serving the Lord together.  The question should not be, "Is this my soul mate?"  The question should be, "Can I serve the Lord better with this person than I can as a single person?"  

How do you become content while still wanting to get married?
I was 26 when David and I married, so I spent a number of years desiring to be married with no prospects in sight.  I understand it's difficult to be content while you are waiting.  It's tempting to think, "Life kind of stinks right now...If only I were married, it would be so much better."  Don't believe that!  No matter where we are in life, Satan is always tempting us to be discontent with the lot that God has chosen for us.  Again, trying to be practical, a few things that I did during my single, non-dating years are:
  1. I focused on building my relationship with the Lord.  When you are single, you have lots of free time.  Spend extra time with the Lord, studying His word, praying to Him, memorizing His word.  This will be a great treasure chest that you can draw from later when your free time is not as plentiful.  I consider being able to have quiet time with the Lord an incredible luxury.  Yes, I can spend time with the Lord, but it is almost never quiet!
  2. I served in the church.  When we are single wanting to be married, we have a choice to make.  We can either drown in self pity or we can take our eyes off of ourselves and serve our brothers and sisters in need.  I sought out relationships with people in our church who needed help.  I would take dinner to people who were ill, clean and iron for a woman who had severe back pain, babysit so that a female worship leader could attend practice, help people with yardwork, etc.  

What does dating mean? 
I wasn't quite sure about this question, but my definition of a date is two people doing something together.  But just because someone asks you to go out, don't assume you're an item!

What is the goal of dating?  
The goal of dating is to find a spouse.  In Genesis God made a helper for Adam, for he said that it was not good for man to live alone.  

Is there a distinction between going out on a date, unofficial dating, being in a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship, etc?
Yes!  At least we found there to be one and, for us, it was a pretty natural progression.  We started out by dating different people casually, just trying to get to know one another and others.  Then, we decided to just date one another.  Then, we began considering marriage.  Then, we got married.  I think the distinctions are fairly important, too, because as your relationship increases in seriousness, so also does your openness.  Obviously, there are also different degrees of commitment in these stages as well.  That said, it is important to emphasize that lifelong commitment begins when you say "I do." 

Commitment vs No strings attached? Where’s the balance?  
I think the guys should feel free to ask a girl out with the intention of getting to know her more.  The girl should not take this "date" as the guy committing to be girlfriend/boyfriend.  At the same time, you can't casually date forever.  The point of this, after all, is to find a spouse.  If this is not a person you see yourself marrying, then either don't extend further invitations or don't accept them. 

How much should I tell a girl when asking her out or during the relationship?
Ummm...well, not very much.  Take it easy and don't scare her off on the first date.  During the relationship, I think God will give you wisdom about what to say when.  It is good to be upfront and honest. When you get to the point in your dating relationship of  thinking seriously about marrying one another, I believe it's important for full disclosure.  That is the time to reveal past sins that may affect your marital relationship or sins that you will likely continue to struggle with in the marriage.  

We have an idea of male leadership, how does this look in dating relationship?  Does a guy have authority to expect the girl to submit? 
NO!  Submission begins when the couple says, "I do."  That said, the guy should demonstrate leadership in the dating relationship.  Some ways that he might display this are:
  1. Be the one to initiate the relationship and its progression.
  2. Establish appropriate boundaries for physical contact.
  3. Decide or at least have ideas for what to do together.

If a girl likes a guy, how should she show that she is interested?  Or should she at all? 
I honestly don't think this is wise.  God's design for marriage is that the man leads and the woman submits.  I really don't think you want to start out a relationship in a position where the woman is leading.  I think it's better to just let your feelings be known to the Lord and wait for His timing. 

What are some criteria for a ending a relationship?  
Since the point of Christian dating is Christian marriage, if you find that you do not want to marry this person, then you should end the relationship.  I do believe, though, that ending a relationship should not be taken lightly.  We are all sinners, so seeing a particular sin and realizing that this person is not perfect should not be what causes you to end the relationship.  On the one hand, it shouldn't be taken lightly; on the other hand, we should be able to handle a breakup with grace.  

When are you giving wrong signals? If you think they like you, but you don’t like them, how do you maturely handle that? 
Don't try to be nice and not hurt their feelings.  Just tell them. It's kind of like taking off a band-aid.  It stings at first but the sting goes away.

As a girl how do you find contentment if the guy that you like shows no shared interest? 
You will never find contentment in a guy. True rest is found in Christ and Christ alone.  We have to accept and believe with all our heart that God loves us and works all things for our good.  If a guy you like does not like you back, then God's good, perfect and pleasing will for you is not to marry that guy no matter how much you may like him now.  See my answer above to finding contentment while waiting to marry.

How does a girl attract a guys attention? In a godly way?? or at all? 
Don't do it.  Our interest should be in bringing attention the the Lord!  Happiness is not found in any guy but only in Christ. Instead of focusing your attention on attracting a guy, focus your attention on serving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  You want a guy to be attracted to your godly character, not your looks or clothes.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My New Freezer Inventory System

This past year, we used our Christmas gift money to purchase an upright freezer for the garage.  I know, how did we survive so long without a freezer?  I really have no idea.  At first, I didn't even know how to adjust to life with a freezer.  For a while, the only think inside the freezer were the twenty bags of holiday chocolate chips from Albertson's clearance rack.  Eventually, I also found baking chocolate on clearance, further increasing my freezer stockpile of chocolate.  One day, David took over the Farmer's Market shopping and we ended up with way more oranges than I knew what to do with.  So, I juiced them providing something of nutritional value for the freezer.  Then, something clicked in my brain, and I suddenly realized that I could stockpile perishable items!  If Costco put turkey bacon on sale with a purchase limit of five, I could actually purchase five and put them in the freezer.  Things were going really well, and everything seemed manageable until tomato season hit!  In one week, I have made nineteen jars of tomato sauce.  Big jars.  At this point, the freezer was getting a little bit out of control.  I had no idea how to keep track of what was in there without actually opening the freezer door and looking inside.  In need of a solution to my dilemma I turned to Google.  A quick search landed me with oodles of images of freezer inventory checklists. I settled on the inventory sheet I created in OmniGraffle below.   So how do I use this?  When I put something into the freezer, I make a slash like this "/". When I take something out, I turn that slash into an "X".  Ah, so simple and beautiful!  Now, I am happy as a lark because I don't actually have to open the freezer to know what's inside.  And, even better, I don't have to try to remember what's inside.  Believe me, the less there is for me to mentally keep track of, the better!!  Happy stockpiling:)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Finding Joy

It's no surprise to many of you that my husband travels for work quite a bit.  'Tis the life of a professor, speaking at other universities and conferences and working with distant collaborators.  Sometimes, my attitude about David's work trips is okay, well, at least not that bad.  At other times, like this past week, it can be really crummy.  David went off to Telluride, Colorado to run a conference.  The conference was designed so that there was plenty of free time in the afternoons to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.  I knew I should be really happy that David could get out and do something he really loves, hike and run on trails, but, in all honesty, I wasn't.  I was really, really mad.  I was mad that I was missing out on things because he had to go on this trip.  The fact that he actually could enjoy it was like rubbing salt in my wounds!  Okay, normally, my reaction to his travels is not this, well, extreme, but there were special circumstances this time,

My grandpa died and his memorial service was held on Tuesday of this week.  Going would mean flying with all five kids (three of them requiring car seats on the plane) from California to Pennsylvania.  Maybe some of you are brave enough or sentimental enough to do that.  Not me.  It was also the week of our church's VBS.  That's exciting, right?  Of course it is.  But, my three boys go to bed by 8pm, and VBS ends at 8:30 pm, so although I really wanted to be able to be there for the assembly time and especially the carnival on the last day, I just could not make that happen logistically.  I know some of you probably would have just said, "Ah, the boys will be a little tired, it's ok."  There are three of them, ages three and under, and they're really, really loud.  Plus, I really value my sleep.  A lot.  I was simply disappointed that I couldn't be there.

But, the point of this post is not to complain.  It is to say that my husband left and I was mad, but I knew that God did not want me to spend my week grumbling and complaining and making him feel really guilty for traveling.  So, I asked God to help me to find joy in my week.  I tried to capture some pictures to help me remember the joyful moments.  The week was not all joyful bliss.  There were lots of potty accidents to clean up.  At least two plates were broken.  There was the typical bickering and talking back.  I could go on and on, but God helped me with these pictures to focus on the joyful moments of my week and thank him for this wonderful family he has given me and the many opportunities I have to teach them about Jesus and what He did on the cross for me!

On Sunday, Josiah ate his first s'mores!  He like it a lot!
On Monday, I took the kids to Pretend City.  Thanks for the coupons, Mama Esther!
Matthew had so much fun pretending to be a fireman!
So did Jonathan!
Maggie played with the boys in the garden.  Mary had a lot of fun, too, but she was mostly off doing her own thing, so I didn't get any pictures of her:(  The kids thought the best part was riding the shuttle back to our car, ha, ha!
On Tuesday, our mommy small group got together for lunch.  The girls had fun playing hide and seek with Isaiah.
On Tuesday, the girls' flower girl dresses arrived, too!  They are so excited for Cousin Chealsee's wedding!
On Wednesday, my friend Denise came over with her daughter Misha.  Denise and I talked about homeschooling while Mary and Maggie taught Misha everything they know about being princesses and taking care of babies!  That evening, another friend, Esther, brought me Boba and udon and we shared a time of meaningful fellowship after the boys went to sleep!
On Thursday, I took the kids hiking in UCI's Open Preserve.  We hiked from our house all the way to the botanical gardens.  It was fairly narrow and steep in some spots, which made it a little tricky with Josiah in the stroller, but we all made it!
It was a really hot day, so everyone was really excited to find this fountain in the gardens.  The water was so cool and refreshing!  I don't have a picture of this, but two friends surprised me that evening with boba!  YUM!
On Friday, we went to a Splash Pad and got wet and sandy!
Mary's approach was to stand on top of the sprayer!
Cute Maggie!
The sin of discontent is so pervasive. If we are not careful, it seeps in and takes every joy away. God is teaching me that joy is serving him where he has me. Right now, he has me in the home serving my family. I don't serve them because they appreciate it. I don't serve them because they deserve it. I serve them because by serving them I am serving Christ, who voluntarily gave his life to bring me back into fellowship with God.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The 2014-15 School Year

Happy First Week of August!  For the Mobleys, the first week of August means it time to start thinking about school again.  There are many different educational philosophies out there.  If you had asked me before I started homeschooling what my philosophy was, you would have been met with a very long blank stare.  As I've tried different things over the years, some of which we have liked, others of which we have not, I believe myself at this point in time to be some eclectic mix of three philosophies: Classical, Montessori, and Charlotte Mason.  (Don't worry if you don't at all know what that means...I only learned these terms last year through an online Parent Certification Course offered by our charter school.)  I don't follow any one approach to a tee, but I take the parts I love from each and apply them as best I can. I also tend to be fairly traditional in the sense that I choose to use textbooks.  I have friends who don't and formulate lesson plans on their own.  Hats off to you!  Me?  I am lazy and am easily overwhelmed by choices, so I prefer to use curricula that are scripted for me.  And, let's face it, I have almost six kids.  I don't really have a lot of time to sit around and prep materials/lessons.

Now that you know more about me and where I come from, these are the resources I plan to use to teach my kids in the 2014-15 school year.

Long Story Short--I love this devotional book!  It's really engaging for kids of all ages!

Before Five in a Row--The idea behind this is to read the same book to your child every day for a week, but each day emphasize a different aspect of the book.  On one day, you might examine the artwork and try to use that same medium; on another you might count the animals.  I really love this curriculum for preschool!

Long Story Short

Saxon Math 2--I love Saxon math because of its incremental approach.

Language Arts
Spell to Write and Read--It took me a while to get into the swing of this approach to spelling, but I now love it!  This approach makes the seemingly illogical English language actually logical after you have learned the basic phonograms and spelling rules.
First Language Lessons Level 1--I like that this book is very mom-intensive and very logical.
Writing With Ease Level 1--The theory behind this book is that asking young children to formulate an idea and remember that well enough to write it and write it correctly remembering to use proper grammar and punctuation is expecting too much.  Instead this book focuses on teaching children to copy excellent writing from the classics and to begin to practice the skills of narration and dictation.
McGuffey Readers--There are great moral/character building stories in this book.
Handwriting Without Tears My Printing Book--Before joining Spring Charter School, we used Zaner-Bloser, but this is the handwriting that is offered through our online bookstore.

Story of the World Volume 4--I love this history series.  It is so interesting and engaging for young children.  The Activity Book is full of lots of fun activities to reinforce the lesson and geography practice with each chapter.

Apologia Science Human Anatomy and Physiology--I love this creation-based science curriculum written by authors that love God and his creation and really try to share that love with young children.

Special Interest
Maps Charts Graphs B
Steck-Vaughn Critical Thinking Level B
Atelier Art Level 2--I stink at art, but I have so much fun watching these DVDs and trying to improve at art alongside my kids!
Draw Write Now #4--My kids are teaching themselves to draw thanks to these workbooks!  I have fun trying, too!
Latin for Children Primer A--This is new for us this year.  I read really good reviews, so we're going to give it a go.
piano lessons, class to be determined

Life Skills
Life skills seem to happen pretty naturally around here, with all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and gardening that needs to be done.  And, with a family this size, everyone has to help in order for it all to get done.  There's also soccer, running, biking, scootering, and just playing.  Aside from that:
Horizons Health Grade 2--I really like this curriculum because it comes from a Christian perspective and helps me to teach my kids health and safety lessons that I may otherwise just not think about or purposely try to avoid!


Long Story Short
Inductive Bible Studies

Saxon Math Intermediate 5

Language Arts
Vocabulary from Classical Roots 5
First Language Lessons Level 4
Writing With Ease Level 3
Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Success
McCall Crabbs Standard Test Lessons in Reading Book C

Story of the World Volume 4

Apologia Science Human Anatomy and Physiology

Special Interest
Maps Charts Graphs C
Rosetta Stone Spanish--Another item that will be brand new for us this year!
piano lessons, class to be determined

Life Skills
see above description plus Horizons Health Grade 2

Saturday, August 2, 2014

My First 10K!


Before I knew I was pregnant, I made a new running goal for myself: Run a 10K!  I found this training plan online and completed one week of training.  On Father's Day, I was shocked to find out I was pregnant with Baby #6.  That's when the intense mental debate began.  I really didn't know whether it was wise to continue with the training plan or not.  After a little bit of googling about running and pregnancy, I was somewhat relieved to find that the general consensus seems to be that running during pregnancy is actually fine if you were already running prior to your pregnancy.  Some recent studies have even concluded that exercise actually benefits the fetus.  I was inspired by a few blogs written by women who continued to run through pregnancy but still had some doubts/concerns going through my head, like, "What if the baby doesn't get enough oxygen if I push myself too hard?" or "What if I get dehydrated and that harms the baby?" When I brought the decision up to David, he simply said, "There's no reason you can't train for a 10K just because you're pregnant!"  Granted, he's actually never been pregnant and hasn't himself experienced the dramatic changes your body goes through during the first trimester with nausea, exhaustion, and hormones raging out of control, but he HAS lived with me through this four times.  I know I would have thrown in the towel if he wasn't there encouraging me.  When I woke up feeling sick and tired and running seemed like the last thing I really wanted to do, he would encourage me to just get out there, insisting, "Running always makes you feel better."  Often I ran the first mile or so wishing that he could feel the way I felt but always came back glad that I got my run in!

Thanks to him, I was able to complete this goal today, though I'm not sure if it really counts because I didn't even enter an official race.  You'll have to take my word for it that I really did it!  David just mapped out a 6.2 mile course for me, and I took his fancy and expensive GPS watch with me, so I could know how much I had completed at any point in time and, most importantly, when I had reached the finish line!  David and the kids even came to cheer me on at the finish (with donuts in hand)!

So why not just enter an official race?  Lots of reasons!

  1. Money--You can call me cheap if you want, but I just didn't want to shell out any money for an entrance fee. 
  2. Fear of failure--I didn't want to bring shame upon the Mobley name!
  3. Time--To actually enter a race means driving somewhere and allowing time for registration and stretching and everything.  Nah, I'll pass.
  4. Competition--I'm pretty competitive, so I was also concerned that the competitive spirit would get the better of me, and I would push myself more than I ought while pregnant.
  5. Bathrooms--Okay, please don't laugh, but I wanted to run somewhere that I KNEW would have facilities if I needed to use them.  If you're laughing, you have never been pregnant.  
My goal was to complete the race in 60 minutes, averaging roughly 10 minute miles.  Surprisingly, I beat that goal and completed the course in 55:44, just under 9 minutes a mile.  The run was definitely more difficult than I anticipated.  I was mentally prepared for mile 4 to be the most difficult.  For some crazy reason, I had it in my head that miles 5 and 6 would be easier once I got through mile 4.  Ha!  I pushed through mile 4 but then hit a gradual incline making mile 5 feel pretty tough.  The last 1.2 miles of the course, I really had to fight a mental battle with myself to just keep running.  And, then, at last David's watch showed 6.2 miles.  I made it!  I have never been so glad to come to the end of a run!

Although I wasn't actually looking around for motivational documentaries, I happened to watch two in the past two weeks that I found incredibly inspiring.  The first was Run for Your Life, a documentary about Fred Lebow, the creator of the New York City Marathon.  Later in his life, Fred Lebow battled brain cancer, a battle which he ultimately lost.  During his battle with brain cancer, he accomplished one of his life goals and ran his own marathon!  If he can get out there and run 26 miles with brain cancer, certainly I can get my pregnant body out there to run 6!  The second was Town of Runners, a documentary about a town in Ethiopia, which is the home of many Olympic runners.  The girls in this movie emphasize their belief that success comes from hard work.  During mile 5, I realized that my run was supposed to be hard and that I shouldn't quit just because it feels hard.  These girls encouraged me to keep going even though it was hard!

I realize that running 6.2 miles is really no phenomenal accomplishment.  Recently, I have met some pretty awesome runners, marathoners, ultra-marathoners, and competitors at the national level.  I will never be that caliber a runner!  Yet, I still thank God for the health He has given me that enables me to run and for enabling me to accomplish this fitness goal, however meager it may be in comparison!  I thank God for my husband who makes time for me to run, handling breakfast for the family solo three days a week with nary a complaint!

So, now what?  My next goal is to be able to run from my house to Quail Hill and back, a 10-mile loop.  I developed a plan to accomplish this goal in seven weeks time, provided the pregnancy continues to allow me run.  After that, I plan to do a reverse training plan and taper my long runs down to 4 miles over twelve weeks, again assuming that my body continues to cooperate with running!  This is what the next seven weeks will look like for me (ideally):

1 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 7.0 m off
2 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 7.5 m off
3 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 8.0 m off
4 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 8.5 m off
5 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 9.0 m off
6 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 9.5 m off
7 30 min cross 4 m 30 min cross 3 m stretch 10.0 m off