Sunday, December 9, 2012

True Confessions

Uggghhh!  I ran out of storage space on Blogger, so I can't post any pictures for the time being, in case you are wondering where I have been.  My techy guru husband is working on a work around, so hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures of our Thanksgiving really soon.

Until then, I thought I would share with you some interesting or not so interesting tidbits about myself.  
  1. I love to color.  Sometimes, I even color after the kids have gone to bed.
  2. The first car I ever owned (actually, I shared it with my sister) was a gas-guzzling 1974 Dodge Dart, affectionately known as The Rocket!  I think these are probably banned from the roadways nowadays.
  3. My new favorite show is Call the Midwife, but I don't think I should watch too many episodes before we actually call the midwife (hopefully sometime in March).
  4. Since living in New Orleans, Tony's is a main staple of my pantry, just as important as whole wheat flour.  I put it on everything: soups, meat, steamed veges, eggs.
  5. Some people read when they can't sleep.  I organize.
  6. When I was a little girl, I always took whoopie pies to school to celebrate my birthday.  Recently, I thought I would make them with the girls but was horrified that the filling was made with raw eggs.  It's amazing I'm alive after eating so many of those things!
  7. I rarely wear make-up.  In fact, I recently decided it was time to discard the make-up I bought for my wedding day.  We got married in...ahem...2001.
  8. Forget pickles and ice cream.  The one craving that I have had with every single pregnancy is fried chicken.  Weird, huh?
  9. My favorite food is ice cream, but I try not to buy it because it disappears too quickly.  I seriously lack discipline around ice cream.
  10. Public speaking of any sort is not my forte.  Not only do I get the nervous flutteries, but I shake uncontrollably.  It is very embarrassing and something that I really hope I do not pass onto my kids!
 So, now you know just what sort of an odd-ball I am (and if you know my kids, why they are so nutty, too)!

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