Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thanksgiving with the Morejohns

Well, my husband came through and helped me come up with a solution for posting more pictures to the blog without using more storage space. It seems a bit convoluted and requires me to learn a little bit of html, so please bear with me if it seems like the pictures are slow in coming.

Friends of ours from Davis (Josh and Britta Morejohn) came to visit us for Thanksgiving. Josh and Britta also have four children, so altogether we had children aged seven, six, five, four, three and three toddlers at our house. The children had a lot of fun playing together. They played dress-up and chess, went swimming and tried to beat Josh at soccer (not an easy task). The Morejohns are the type of friends that no matter how much time passes between visits, when we get together, it seems like we just pick up where we left off. David and I were built up in our faith during our time together and are looking forward to meeting up again when we pass through Davis on our way home from visiting family in Redding for Christmas.
Carys pretending to be a butterfly.
Joy playing with dress ups.
Britta and Lena
Josh and Peter during an intense game of Clue.
Most of the kids went to the beach.
Britta and her girls.
Mary and Peter playing in the waves.
Our cautious Maggie jumping off a sand cliff.
Mary, Peter and Joy pretending to be sea turtles.

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