Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Picture Books We Love: James Herriot's Treasury of Inspirational Stories for Children

Since all of our books have been packed up in boxes, we have been relying upon reads from the local library over the past few weeks.  Two weeks ago, I went to the library with a long list of books to supplement our school lessons in history, science and health.  After finding all of those, I picked up about seven books for Maggie to read to me.  (Our long-standing joke is that I have trouble sleeping if she doesn't read me a bed-time story.)  Then, I stared at the bookshelves, looked at my watch, and started to get really upset that I had no plan for enjoyable short-stories to read aloud to Maggie.  UGGHH!  Fearing that I had left David alone with all four children for way too long, I quickly scanned the bookshelves for a book with a thick binding.  James Herriot's Treasury of Inspirational Stories for Children caught my eye immediately, simply because someone hadn't pushed it all the way in.

We loved these stories and plan to read more of James Herriot's books in the future!  This particular book is a beautiful collection of true animal stories encountered by a veterinarian in his practice located in the countryside or Yorkshire.   I don't know if I enjoyed these stories so much simply because they are beautifully unique animal stories or because of the country setting, having been an urban-dweller for all of my life!  Every story depicts a wonderful bond between man and animal, such that will bring tears to the eyes of a pregnant lady with pendulum-ish emotions.  If I had to pick a favorite from the eight stories included, I would choose the one in which a kitten nuzzles up alongside a litter of pigs to nurse, with neither animal concerned that something was amiss.  The Mobley family is looking forward to reading more works by James Herriot!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the kind of book that spans the generations.
