Saturday, October 6, 2012

Give Thanks to the Lord!

Today, David and I were talking about how many specific prayers that we have seen God answer in rather unexpected ways since we have moved to Irvine!  We were praying for friends, for our house to sell and for a good church home.


One of David's colleagues from the past emailed him and told him we should look up his friend, who is a professor in the philosophy department here.  We thought there is no way we would have anything in common with someone with a background in philosophy, but David emailed.  While we were still in the process of coordinating a time to meet up, we ended up "meeting" at the park!  AND, we have so much in common because they are Christians and have three children about the same ages as ours!

Obviously, we needed to find a new pediatrician for the children after we moved, but where to start?  I received a list of references in a binder of information prepared by my midwives.  So, I looked through the list and started to narrow it down based upon which doctors would accept our insurance.  Then, I checked out the websites and selected one.  As we were leaving from Matthew and Jonathan's eighteen month check up, a woman entered with four children.  The oldest, a little girl about Mary's age, walked in completely engrossed in The Story of the World Volume 1.  I got to talking with the mom.  Quickly realizing that the girls had quite a bit in common, we talked about getting together, and David gave her his card, so that she could contact us.  I thought I would never hear from her, but she actually contacted me and we did get together.  She is also a Christian who homeschools and has four children, two girls and two boys!  (Side note: we also found out our new pediatrician is a Christian, too!)

Our House

We left New Orleans with our house still on the market and one prospective buyer.  Then, said buyer was laid off in the most recent round of cuts at UNO.  Bye, bye, buyer!  We kept on praying and asking God to provide a buyer for our home.  Now, God has provided the perfect buyer for our home.  The buyer signed off on the inspections with no amendments to the contract, and the appraisal came back at our exact sale price!  So, it looks like the sale IS going through with closing anticipated on the 24th, a week and a half after we close on our new home.

A Church

David did quite a bit of work in compiling a list of churches for us to attend in our church search.  He attended one of those churches with the girls (the boys were ill), but it was kind of far away.  Then, one day, David was at UCI "working" outside.  He overheard two guys sharing the gospel with a student, so he asked them what church they went to.  We have been prayerfully attending Berean Community Church ever since.  

We give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! God constantly amazes me at His care and concern for every aspect of our lives.
