Saturday, May 9, 2020

Why Frogs?

Over the course of the past week, I read Exodus 8 through 17. This portion of Scripture is a narrative explaining the many plagues that God brought upon Egypt culminating in the exodus of God's people from Egypt into the wilderness. I was curious about the particular plagues that are recounted in this passage. In particular, why frogs? Personally, I find frogs kinda gross, but not particularly threatening. So, why did God threaten Pharaoh that his land would be filled with frogs if he did not release the Israelites? Egypt was a polytheistic culture with numerous gods. It turns out that one of them was Heqet, a goddess of fertility, who represented in the form of a frog. Thus, through this plague God demonstrates to everyone in Egypt, including the Israelites, that He is more powerful than this god. And so it is with all the plagues. With each plague, God demonstrates that He is the One true Creator, the One true Sustainer, the One true Judge.

This passage really just came alive to me this week and I really heard God speaking: "Worship ME. Honor ME. Serve ME." Some verses that really stood out include:

  • Exodus 11:3 Furthermore, the man Moses himself was greatly esteemed in the land of Egypt, both in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people. 
  • Exodus 12:12 Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments--I am the LORD. 
  • Exodus 14:4 The Egyptians will know that I am the LORD. 
  • Exodus 14:31 When Israel saw the great power which the LORD had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in His servant Moses.
This is the purpose of my life. Not money. Not pleasures. Not beauty. Not fame. Not anything this world offers. The goal of my life is simply to reflect. To reflect the might and power and glory of my God so that more and more may see and worship also. 

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