Sunday, May 24, 2020

On Eagles' Wings

This is a late post from my devotional thoughts two weeks ago. Quarantine life can be busy, that's all I can say.

In Exodus 19, God speaks to Moses after having delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians. He instructs Moses to tell the people:
You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought You to Myself. 
I have read this many times in my Christian life. I have even sung this many times in my Christian life. But, now, for the first time in my life I am wondering why did God choose to reference the eagle in this passage? Every American should be familiar with the bald eagle as an emblem of our country, signifying freedom. If I bring that idea to this text; however, I introduce error by imposing my own culture upon the culture to whom God was speaking through Moses.

I haven't spent too much time thinking about the eagle's characteristics, I guess, because I don't see eagles very often. However, I imagine that the image of an eagle would have been more relevant to the nomadic culture addressed here. What are the notable qualities of the eagle? I can think of three. First, eagles are extremely powerful. Second, they have extraordinary eyesight. Third, they are known to soar higher than any other bird. I think this last quality is where the heart of the meaning of this verse lies. As I read and write, I am picturing an eagle swooping down and then soaring to great heights.

Perhaps God chooses to reference the eagle to illustrate what He has saved the Israelites FROM and TO. He has performed miraculous signs in front of all the Egyptians, displaying His superiority to the gods of the Egyptians. This all culminated with Him leading the Israelites safely across the Red Sea and then drowning the entire Egyptian army. Thus, God delivered the Israelites FROM a state of servitude to men. Not only did He bring them out, but He also brought them TO a place far above this servitude, the very presence of the true and living GOD. There is certainly no higher place.

How blessed we are to have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness and transported into the kingdom of light. Because God the Father planned, because the God the Son carried out, and because God the Holy Spirit applied this salvation to our hearts, we have been set free from our bondage to sin. Now, we are free to worship the true living God and to dwell in His presence forever and ever.

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