Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Different Yet the Same

So much in our lives has changed as a result of the spread of coronavirus to the US. Schools are closed. Restaurants, if open, only offer take out. All sports and events are canceled until further notice. The shelves and freezers at the grocery stores are bare. At the beginning, it really felt like I was watching a movie being played out in real time. Now, it seems as though I have finally adjusted to accepting social distance as the new normal. At the forefront of my mind is this thought: While so much has changed, so much remains the same.

Recently, I began a new Bible reading plan. I chose this plan because it had readings along with a journal for adults, teens, and kids. Coincidentally, last Friday, the day's reading was Job 1-2. Job experienced so much suffering, pain, and loss, things I can't ever imagine going through. Others in time and history have experienced pain, but what is unique about the book of Job is the glimpse into the spiritual realities at work. We see that God allows Satan to bring the pain and suffering, but that He is in control. It is clear that God is in control because He places a limit on Satan, that Satan may not take Job's life. This remains the same: God is in control.

Dear Coronavirus, I will not be shaken. No, no! I will not be moved. Why? Because my loving and faithful and omnipotent and unchanging God is in control.

Being a family of eight living in a three-bedroom home does not allow for much privacy or social distance indoors. We all have been rubbing against each other, creating quite a bit of friction. Arguments. Name calling. Doors slamming. Yet, what does this all reveal? Our hearts are sinful. They are desperately wicked. What do we see when we look deep within our own hearts? This past week, watching the interactions of my children is like a window into my own heart, revealing selfishness, pride, anger, greed, hate, impatience, and more. This is not new. This has always been the case, ever since Adam and Eve committed the first sin in the Garden of Eden.

Dear Coronavirus, When I see the depth of my sin, I will call out to God and He will forgive me because of Jesus' blood shed on the cross for me. You cannot accuse me. I belong to Jesus.

Every time I read the latest news about coronavirus, I read different opinions from well-renowned scientists. Not one of them knows for certain what will happen. Not one of them knows for certain who will require hospitalization. None of them knows for certain how long the virus will spread or if and when it will mutate. If man had the power to stop this virus, certainly it would have happened by now, before so many lives had been lost. But, the truth is that man is and has always been powerless. Man cannot stop the coronavirus, nor can man deal with the problem of sin. God is the only one who can heal our bodies and our hearts. As we see the limits of mankind, may we see the awesomeness of God.

Dear Coronavirus, Whatever you are, God is more. My purpose in this life is to bring Him glory and honor and praise as long as I have breath. This I will do because God is!

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