Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Can Use a Power Drill!!!

This is how our Saturday began...
Me: Do you think you'll be able to work on the laundry room today?"
David: (looking very skeptical) "Well, I'm going to take the kids to running club and stop at the Farmer's Market. Then, I was hoping to spend my time with Jonathan and then work on my Sunday School lesson.
David: (quizzical) "Wasn't there something else you wanted me to do today anyways?"
Me: "No."
David: "Well, if that's the case, then I'll make the laundry room a priority."
Me: (There's really noooo way it's gonna get done today.) "OK."

 Now, you can see why I taught myself how to use a power drill today!!! I've watched David do this stuff so much that I wasn't completely clueless, but I was a little worried that I would screw something up and David would come home disappointed! The first step was to find the tools I needed. Power drill. Got it. Drill bits. Searching...searching...still searching...who would imagine they would be in this red walletish-looking thing??? Wall anchors. Got 'em. All supplies in hand, I got out the ironing board hanger and was ready to proceed with gusto until I realized I didn't even know how to put an anchor into the wall. So, I watched a quick YouTube video and then proceeded. My first mistake was to drill the hole too big. So, I tried again a bit higher, repeated three times for the other three holes, screwed the holder into the wall, and, much to my surprise, it didn't fall down. It even stayed up when I set the ironing board and iron in place.

Motivated by this initial success, I proceeded to drill and screw and drill and screw. When it was all done, I really wanted to take a picture and submit it to Better Homes and Gardens because I was just so surprised that I actually did it all myself.  Okay, I know it's not impressive at all really, certainly not the quality of work that is featured in magazines.  David probably would have completed this project in less than an hour.  Me?  Well, it took me the better part of the day. Still, I am thrilled that I have acquired a new skill, and I can't wait to have another opportunity to use it!  I'm also delighted to have my cleaning tools and supplies organized!

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