Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mobley Art

I really have zero creative genes in my body, so art has never been a source of enjoyment for me. When I was a kid, we used to do art projects in class and then the teacher would hang everyone's creation, no matter what it looked like, up on the wall. Once, a classmate asked me which one was mine, but I refused to tell him because mine was seriously so bad. Then, he pointed to one and said, "Well, it can't be as bad as that one!" Embarrassed, I admitted, "Ummm...that one is mine." Understandably, I feel so ill-equipped to educate my children in anything artistic, but I also refuse to pay for art lessons.  I also refuse to place them in a classroom setting to fumble around on their own like me, for that certainly did nothing for me but to turn me off of art entirely. This year, however, I used some of our instructional funds to purchase a DVD-based art curriculum, Atelier Art. Now, every Thursday afternoon, we sit at the school table and watch an art lesson on the computer, pausing as necessary to keep up with the instructor. Much to my surprise, what was once drudgery is now a delight!  It is so much fun learning and growing alongside my children!
We learned about different lines.
We mixed primary colors to make secondary colors.
This was a lesson in textures.  We each made an animal with an oval-shaped piece of felt.
This past week, we explored patterns drew clowns.

1 comment:

  1. There used to be a man on PBS who would paint a landscape on a blank canvas over the course of an hour and explain everything he was doing and how. He made it look so easy and while we may not be able to duplicate his talent, he contended that we can all be artists. I remember it being a very interesting show.
