Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Maggie Makes Four!

Today marks Maggie's fourth birthday! In her mind, she is officially a big girl.  She doesn't need help brushing her teeth or buckling her car seat. I'm betting tomorrow she will even decide that four year olds don't even need help cutting their food! There was a little bit of confusion also.  I was asked several times today whether she was still four.  

We will be officially celebrating her birthday next week with Nana and Papa, swimming, chocolate cake, strawberries and lemonade.  Until then, below are some pictures of the actual birthday (stay tuned for some party pictures)!
We gave Maggie an ESV Bible for her birthday.

The siblings gave Maggie these cute flower decorations (one for each year of her life).  Okay, truth be told, I made them using tissue paper and pipe cleaners.  I really didn't think that Matthew and Jonathan were up for the task!

While Mary was attending her Passport to the World class, I took Maggie and the boys to Barnes and Noble to get a free birthday treat courtesy of the B&N Kids' Club.  My kids really take after me: Maggie chose a triple chocolate cookie.  It was a really big cookie for a little girl, but she managed to eat it all (after sharing a bite with each of her brothers).  By the way, that is Jonathan trying to snatch a bite!