Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Olympic Heroes!

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games were spectacular!  Even our bookworm, Mary, laid aside her books to watch the events!  She now has aspirations to one day compete in the Olympics in soccer, swimming, and volleyball!  I was impressed by many of the athletes, but most notably the following:
  • Gabby Douglas--I was so happy that this girl won the gold in the all-around.  She was my favorite on the women's gymnastics team from the start.  She is just so bouncy and happy:)  In the beginning, the commentators seemed to think she was somewhat of a wild card, that she would not perform well because of her nerves.  I was so delighted that she won the gold.  I saw an interview with her after she won and she gave the glory to God!  At another time, she told the reporters that she was able to keep calm by reflecting on Scripture!
  • David Boudia--This diver won my heart in an interview after one of the qualifying rounds when he just barely made it.  He said that he trusted that God is sovereign and he knew everything would be alright if he made it or he didn't.  He truly looked like a different diver in the finals and won the gold.  I was thrilled for him!
  • Misty and Kerri--What I love about Misty and Kerri, aside from their great skill, is their teamwork.  I love that they have been together from start to finish.  Neither woman is looking for individual glory, but they are a team from beginning to end.  I so wanted them to win the gold!
  • Missy Franklin--What I admire about this teenager and her parents is her decision to train in Colorado and swim for her high school team.  To do so, I believe she has turned down advertising offers.  In an interview, she said that she knows she would not be happy away from her family and friends.  I admire her values!
  • Jordan Burroughs--Normally I am not a big fan of wrestling, but I really enjoyed watching this wrestler's last two matches.  Just one word: INTENSE!
  • Oscar Pistorius--Although he didn't win an individual medal, I am amazed at the obstacles that this double-amputee has overcome to make it to the Olympics in track and field.  To me, he is the shining example of one who overcomes and is not intimidated by obstacles! 
I know there are many other extraordinary Olympians who competed in London, but these are the ones that have made a lasting impression upon me!

1 comment:

  1. Maura - I completely agree with your analysis and I think I would have picked the same standouts!
