Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Can See Again!

Yesterday, my new glasses came in, certainly cause for an updated picture, although I really don't like to post pictures of myself!  Do I look smarter now?  Yay or nay, I am delighted to be able to read with ease again and not have to ashamedly admit to anyone (like my husband) that I can't actually read that sign that you can see so clearly.  Now, I can actually make an appointment to get my CA driver's license.  I hadn't made an appointment yet for fear that I might not actually pass the vision exam.  (I know, I know, that probably means I shouldn't have been on the road in the first place!  Fortunately, we are all still safe and sound.) Now, the only part of the driver's test that scares me is the written exam.  Driver's Ed was, ahem, too many years ago!  Time to start studying!

By the way, if you look really carefully, you will notice a purplish tint to the frames to the great delight of two little girls.  They even gave me a purple case, too!


  1. I like them. - Michele

    1. And we are happy they have a purple tint and that you can read road signs with ease. We are looking for cars and I am trying to talk Judy into a "colorful vehicle." On the age thing, we had our first planning committee meeting today on our 50th high school reunion. Oh my! - Dad

  2. I like your new look and the purple tint is fun. It is nice seeing a picture of you.
