10. What can you personally, or for the sake of helping others, learn about overcoming depression from the Bible passages and examples used in these chapters?
It is necessary to retrain thought patterns in order to overcome depression.
11. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that some discouragement and disappointment is to be expected in this sinful world? Why?
I agree that some discouragement and disappointment is to be expected in this sinful world simply because it is a sinful world. We sin and others sin against us and those sins have consequences that affect not only the one who committed the sin but others around him/her.
12. How prone are you to constantly taking your emotional temperature and allowing your feelings to control your life? When have you done this? When have you deliberately not done this?
I have done and still do this often. Many decisions I make I am trying not to do this anymore, not to think at all about how I feel about doing something that I know God wants me to do, but instead to just doing it regardless of how I feel.
13. Why is being ruled or controlled by your feelings a dangerous practice?
Being ruled by your feelings is such a dangerous practice for many reasons:
- our hearts are sinful and will lead us astray
- our feelings change
- we will be completely unreliable and cause logistical problems everywhere
- it is a completely selfish way to live
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