Wednesday, January 7, 2015

An Entire Day Off!

What do you give a wife who doesn't wear jewelry, has zero self control around chocolate, and considers flowers to be a waste of money? This is pretty much the dilemma that my husband faces every year. Ordinarily, David does a really good job at selecting gifts for me, despite my minimalist tendencies.  He will never be able to top this year, though!  He teamed up with the kids to give me an entire day off!  I haven't had one of those in almost nine years. Sure, I take time here and there but never an ENTIRE DAY!  Super Dad took the day off of work and took charge of caring for all five kids from sunrise till sunset, while I acted like a ghost!
I started off my day reading my Bible while David was out for a run with his cohort, Joe.  This is the verse that I spent time meditating on: "But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble."
After David came home from his run, I went out for a run, a really long run, for me.  I ran a 10-mile loop through Quail Hill, a route that I have been interested in running for a very long time.  For the record, I think this is the longest run I have ever done in my life!  
After I came back from my run, I wanted to spend a little bit of one-on-one time with each of the boys.  Josiah and I jumped on the trampoline together!  He looks less than thrilled in this picture, but he really had a blast!
Jonathan rode his big blue bike.
Matthew rode his big red bike.
Then, I went to a salon and had my hair shampooed, cut and styled!  This is my new short do inspired by Hannah Michelle and Cheryl!  I think the last time I had the whole shabang done was for my wedding!
After that, I went to Cha for Tea to enjoy some milk tea and a good read.  Mary and Maggie have two friends, Alexa and Elyse, who have been reading books about warrior cats.  They love these books so much that they have developed an elaborate warrior cat game that they play in our neighborhood.  The four girls have names for themselves and positions. They scooter around on patrol, collecting medicine, guarding the camp, etc.  They even leave notes on one another's doorsteps!  I wanted to take some time to read part of the first book, so I could understand this "game" a bit!
When I came back, I spent some one-on-one time with each of the girls.  Maggie taught me to ride a scooter!
Mary and I worked on her Knot-A-Quilt!
Then, I went off for a 90-minute sports massage.  About now, I'm thinking David is probably regretting not setting a dollar limit on my day off!  The massage was great, but they tried to talk me into purchasing a membership to enable me to come in for monthly massages.  Who's got the time or money for that???  
After that, I went to the pool and swam just enough to be relaxing (15 100s on 2 minute intervals).  Then, I soaked in the hot tub for a long time.
Then, I picked up dinner from Tender Greens and dessert from Yogurtland. I brought it home and ate and read while David and the kids were at soccer practice.  
That was the exciting conclusion of my day off. This should prove to all that I am an introvert at heart no matter how much I talk!


  1. Sounds and looks like you had a great day off. I commend you for doing all those things in one day and including each of the kids in a special way on your day off.

  2. I love that you spent time alone & time with each of the kids! What a blessing. I love your hair!! So cute!
